Simplest anagram solver without unnecessary complexities
Simplest anagram solver without unnecessary UI complexities
You can use the app as a helper for Scrabble just by swiping down the list! Browsing through random anagrams is a fun option!
The anagrams are instantaneous and there is no doubt that it is the fastest Anagram Solver ever.
Thanks to Realm!
English, Greek, French, German are supported.
30.000+ downloads with most of users be satisfied with it's simplicity.
You can download the source code and contribute.
" Those who know nothing of foreign languages know nothing of their own. "
- Goethe
A word or phrase formed by reordering the letters of another word or phrase, such as garden to danger.. One word anagrams (where a single word is anagrammed into another single word) are sometimes referred to by wordplay specialists as transpositions.
The Anagram Solver supports 4 languages:
English, Greek, French, German.
You can always contribute to the project and add your language! Just look at the GitHub repo.
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